New Year, New You: Setting Goals to Become a Better Leader in 2020
Written by Recruit Career Consult

New Year, New You: Setting Goals to Become a Better Leader in 2020

Whether you manage employees, coach a team, run a business or teach a class, it goes without saying that leadership skills are extremely valuable. Effective leadership can completely transform the final outcome, forge a stronger team and increase productivity. It all sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? 

“But I don’t have a leadership title or managerial role,” you might be saying. It’s a common misconception that only those in senior roles need to possess leadership skills. With flatter hierarchies becoming more common in organisations, every professional needs to develop and improve their leadership skills.

Some people might look in the mirror and see a natural-born leader. Many people might write down leadership skills as a strength on their resume. However, the fact is that absolutely anyone and everyone should consistently work at their leadership skills. Unfortunately, becoming a great leader is no walk in the park.

So, with 2019 coming to a close, now is the perfect time to stop and reflect on your own leadership skills and set some goals to improve for next year. You never know when they might come in handy. 

Without further ado, here are our seven tips for upping your leadership game. 

Look backwards to head forwards

The old adage goes that those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. In order to figure out where you need to improve your leadership skills, you should first start with an assessment of your leadership style. A great place to start is to try out a leadership style quiz like this one here

After you have figured out your strengths and weaknesses as a leader, it’s time to think about any leaders from the past that you might admire. See if there’s anything you could adopt and apply to your own leadership style. 

Lead by example

One of the most important things a leader can do is not only lead but also serve as a role model. Show, don’t tell and set the tone for your team. Transformational leaders not only encourage behaviour and characteristics from their followers but also exemplify them themselves. 

For example, if you would like your team to be punctual, make sure you are always on time, if not early. Or if you would like your employees to present themselves professionally, make sure that you dress the part. 

Communication is key

One of the make or break skills that a great leader must possess is communication skills. To become a better leader put a focus on providing one on one communication with all group members. Lines of communication should always be open, and all members should feel as though they are able to contribute. 

Communication skills aren’t always about being a great speaker but also being a great listener. Perhaps you could set a goal to try to better understand what’s happening around you through listening and observation. 

Find a balance

One of the key challenges to leadership is striking the right balance and knowing about what is happening in the project and not micromanaging. You must foster freedom and flexibility so that people can work in a way that suits them, as well as hold people accountable and responsible. 

“You do not lead by hitting people over the head that’s assault, not leadership.” – Dwight Eisenhower

Talk the talk

In order to become a great leader, it’s important to focus not only on how you are communicating but what you are communicating. Make sure to be generous with credit when it is due, rather than take credit for the teams work. Great leaders understand the role that everyone played in the success, and in turn, make sure that they receive recognition for their work. 

Great leaders also admit when they are wrong. Your team won’t see this as a sign of weakness but instead will respect you for being open and honest. This also will encourage an environment where your team can too own up to their mistakes. 


“First rule of leadership: everything is your fault.” – A Bug’s Life

A leader can’t lead without followers

Your team is your most important asset, and a team is much more productive when they feel engaged, loyal and dedicated. Make sure to invest in them, mentor them and provide them with what they require in order to fulfil their potential. 

On this note, great leadership is also about knowing how to build the right team. Learn how to spot talent and then connect with the people that will help fulfil your vision. 

Don’t forget to have a good attitude

A leader’s emotions rub off on their team. This means its important that you are able to be optimistic, passionate and have fun when appropriate. You can keep business serious but still, foster a fun and dynamic environment for your employees. If all else fails, having genuine passion and enthusiasm for the projects you are working on will go far. 

“Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders.” – Sloan Wilson

So, get out your notebook, jot down the tips that feel the most relevant to you and what you need to work on, and set some goals to become a better leader in 2020.  

“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” – John Maxwell


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