5 Tips to Better Your Staff Performance Management
Written by Recruit Career Consult

5 Tips to Better Your Staff Performance Management

Implementing a performance management system that is easy to adhere too means workers are far more likely to embrace and incorporate them to reach their work goals efficiently.

To see how you can get the best from your workers and how they can achieve positive results,  check out our Performance Management checklist below:

Give Positive and Constructive Feedback

Humans thrive on feedback and motivated workers will generally take constructive criticism in their stride. It is important to deliver constructive feedback in a manner that is not aggressive or condescending.  This ensures workers do not feel victimised but, instead feel equipped to move forward with the correct tools and concepts for success in their next task.

Regular Contact with Workers

Workers will find it easier to understand and perform at a high level if they feel that they are working with management rather than for them. This can be achieved by maintaining a healthy professional relationship with your staff, regular contact and keeping workers goal-oriented. Keeping communication channels open will help make managing performance a simple task.  

Goal Setting

Goal setting and deadlines are important when managing performance for both managers and staff. By setting goals your staff are aware of their expectations before beginning each task. If your workers fail to meet deadlines or reach goals, they can expect to be met with a negative review. However, if goals are unclear, a negative review may come as a shock and affect their future performance.

Listening to Concerns and Ideas for Growth from Workers

In general, workers want to grow or extend their role within the company. When giving a performance review, as well as giving feedback, ask for feedback from your staff as to how they feel the next task could be better communicated.

Implement Systems and Processes

Systems and processes eliminate the need for workers to create their own set of rules. This gives your staff a guide to follow every time, ensuring that their level of work doesn’t decline and the expectation is clear from the beginning and throughout each task.

When performed regularly and professionally, performance management can be one of the best tools at your company’s disposal. Performance management will help to maintain a high standard of work, ensures workers feel satisfied and secure within their role and avoids any undue stress for both parties when completing day to day tasks.



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