Crucial steps to becoming a Manager that Employees want to follow.
Written by Recruit Career Consult

Crucial steps to becoming a Manager that Employees want to follow.

Becoming a manager is easy. Becoming a manager that people want to work for is not. Being a manager is more than simply hiring staff and giving directions. So, what makes a manager that employees want to follow and how can you become one?

Above all, being a manager that Employees want to follow requires respect. Respect is an interesting commodity because in a professional setting it is expected to be given to those in power, while in every other aspect of life, respect must be earned. To be a manager that your staff want to follow, your employees must first respect you, the way you conduct yourself and your business.

So, how do you become that manager? Follow these simple steps:


Work Hard.

Work harder than everyone else. And work hard enough that it inspires others to do the same. Do the jobs that others believe are ‘below you’ as well as your own job. Never expect employees to do a job you wouldn’t do yourself. Being visible to staff (and customers where possible) makes you approachable, relatable and as a result, respected.

Be Fair.

Treat all employees fairly and with respect. Respect goes both ways and employees will certainly notice if you are playing favourites. Try not to let your personality traits sway your attitude towards individual employees. It is hard not to form friendships with those you spend a majority of your time with but it is important to treat all employees fairly.

Value your employees.

A manager can not fulfil every role within the business and therefore your employees literally make the cogs turn. If your employees refuse to work to the standard needed to run a business or worse, quit, the wheels fall off rather quickly. When employees feel valued, they will work harder to ensure they continue to be a valuable member of the team. A good manager needs to recognise the need for employees.
Above all, support your staff, be nice and always be reasonable and never put yourself on a pedestal. To be a manager that employees what to follow you need to be the manager that employees want to work for and aspire to be. With these 3 steps, you can be that manager!


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