Creating an Inspirational Workspace
Written by Recruit Career Consult

Creating an Inspirational Workspace

We often hear the phrase ‘dream job’, but it seems rare that we actually find it. For some, there is endless inspiration and motivation to find a job we love but as soon as we find a job, we settle, even if it’s not the right one. So, why is this so often the case? Are dream jobs really that hard to come by? Or, is the workplace in which we have become comfortable the real issue?

Inspiration must come from somewhere so it remains in the best interests of employers to create an inspirational workplace where staff feel motivated. Where staff arrive ready to tackle the day and keep coming back as motivated as they were when they first started the job.

Here are some simple steps that you as an employer can take towards creating inspiration in any workplace and maintaining motivation amongst your staff.


Remove the Negativity

By removing negativity from the workplace you eliminate the chance for staff to feel pessimistic about their projects, processes or goals.


Open up your office

Keep your workspace well lit, with natural light where possible, and maintain a good air flow. Your staff will appreciate the feeling of not being “boxed in”. It’s also a great idea to add a plant to the office, for a bit of extra life.


Ensure staff are taking breaks

People need to eat, move and stretch. Don’t create deadlines that interfere with allotted lunch breaks and involve unpaid overtime. Suggest that your staff go outside to take their breaks and get some fresh air.


Give credit and say thank you

People love to feel appreciated and pride themselves on a job well-done. It is important to say thank you and give praise to keep motivation levels high and inspire other staff to reach their targets.


Allow staff to personalise their workspace

While we’re not suggesting that you allow your staff to bring a pet to work, allowing individuality at individual workstations including colour, photos, a small plant or a daily affirmation can really lift the mood.

To ensure you are creating an inspirational workplace, consider what aspects of your job you enjoy and then encourage your staff to incorporate these aspects into their workspace. Increasing motivation and creating inspiration are the most important factors in a happy and productive workplace.  

Are you feeling less than inspired at your workplace? Check out our job listings page here – you might just find your dream job!



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