4 Steps to Creating a Vision Board That Actually Works!
Written by Recruit Career Consult

4 Steps to Creating a Vision Board That Actually Works!

Are you ready to score that promotion? How about purchasing your dream car? Finding love? What if I told you, an hour or two of sticking cutouts on a board could get you exactly where you want to be? Introducing, Vision Boards, much loved by Hollywood A-Listers from Ellen Degeneres to Beyonce—if it’s good enough for Queen Bee it might be time to sit up and pay attention.

For anyone who’s never heard of a vision board, here’s a quick rundown. Vision boards are a visual representation of everything you want in life, your dreams, your goals, even your future career. A vision board helps remind you of your truth, the things you really want in life.

The theory of visualising your goals is that in order to reach them you need to see it, feel it and embody it. The best way for you to achieve your goals is to keep them at the forefront of your mind. By doing this you’re constantly looking for ways to achieve them.

Starting your vision board is relatively simple however the results can be astonishing. But where do you start?  Follow the steps below to give you a clear perspective on what you really want and let’s bring it to fruition!

Step 1, what do you really, really want?

Step one is undoubtedly the most difficult step of the whole process. Make a list of all your goals and feelings. What is it that you want or need? What do you want to achieve from life? How do you want to feel? In the first step, you need to take the time to get acquainted with your hopes and dreams. This requires you to dig deep and find out what you really want from life. A new car? That big promotion? The choice is yours.

Step 2, the fun begins.

Look at the list of goals and aspirations you created in step 1. Do you notice any themes? These are the things that you need to find a visual representation for.

Gather your magazines and try to find any phrases, people, colours and patterns that invoke a feeling. Try not to overthink it! Go with your intuition. You’re looking for pictures that represent or symbolise your goals, feelings and the possessions you want to attract to your life. If you’re dreaming of that promotion, try and find photos of successful person and wealth. If you’re dreaming of love, try finding images that conjure those feelings for you.

Make sure to include a picture of yourself on your vision board, this will allow you to visualise yourself in your new life. Also, make sure to include affirmations, inspirational words, quotations and thoughts that resonate with what you want.

How do you want your life to look in three, six or 12 months? Creating a timeline of your achievements is crucial to the process as it acts as a guide and motivator. The beauty of a vision board is that the timeline and goals can be set at your own pace.

Be mindful to set out your vision board neatly and be selective with what you put on there. A chaotic vision board could attract clutter to your life.

Step 3, you’ve made your board…what next?

Put your vision board somewhere where you can see it every day. This will prompt you to visualise your goals regularly. Visualising your goals is important as it activates the creative powers of your subconscious. This allows for your brain to become aware of available resources that you may not have been obvious before.

Step 4, be all about it!

Now you know exactly what you want and you’re looking at it every day, it’s time to start getting excited about your future! The more excited you are about what you want to achieve the more likely you are to achieve it!

By visualising your goals you become more motivated to reach them. You’ll start noticing yourself making small changes in your life to get closer to reaching your goals.

How do Vision Boards work exactly?

A vision board is a tool for you to visualise your goals with greater clarity. Our subconscious mind thinks through imagery. Consistently seeing your goals reprograms your subconscious. First, you need to visualise what you want before you can start attracting it to your life.

The point is, you’re spending time on your intention, and giving it energy—compared to complaining, or going over and over what you don’t have.

Our founder Amelia Hennessy has recently completed her own vision board and has this to say  “Creating a board which is a daily focus within a twelve-month plan has really put into perspective what I need to focus on personally and professionally over the next twelve months. I find that I have a definite plan and focus now and my behaviours are really driven in the areas that are my goals. I have already had a couple of wins and we are only a few days in, which I am really happy about!”

“Anyone can do a vision board and it really is a wonderful thing to do  – knowing your top three priorities for the year out of Work, Family, Money, Mind (leadership courses etc), Spirit / Philosophies (charity work etc), Health, Friends.”

Now you know exactly what to do, it’s time to break out the scissors and tape! Start visualising what you want to achieve and manifest it into reality!


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